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Optimization tools for software source code



Issues related to the use of software tools for analysis, improvement, optimization, and refactoring of software source code will be main topics of the discussion. Theoretical basis of source code analysis, approaches to the formation of recommendations for improving and optimizing source code, interpretation and further application of recommendations how to improve source code will be presented, as well as classification of tools to solve various tasks in this field will be provided. During roundtable the practical issues of application of various tools, methods and approaches will be discussed by Russian and international experts; representatives of corporations engaged in software development; developers of automated analysis and software source code quality control tools.

Talks during the discussion:

Roundtable agenda:

  1. Why do we need software source code analysis? What are the benefits? How to organize the process of source code analysis in the team?
  2. What methods are used for source code analysis?
  3. How to understand and interpret the recommendations?
  4. Why should I trust the results of software source code analysis?
  5. What tasks can be solved and by means of what kind of tools?
  6. What types of source code analysis are there and how can developers use them?
  7. How can we use the results of source code analysis for improvements and optimization?
  8. Source code metrics within various standards IEEE, ISO, CMMI.

Moderator: Dr. Alexander Lipanov

Dr. Alexander LipanovDr. Alexander Lipanov

Associate Professor of Informatics Department, Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics; CEO, Infostroy

For already 20 years Alexander has been successfully engaged in the area of software development, 12 of them as CEO of Infostroy Ltd. Company.

A native of Kharkov, Ukraine, Dr. Alexander Lipanov holds the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in Informatics from Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics (KTURE). Dr. Lipanov is currently working as associate professor at the chair of Informatics at KTURE.

Alexander Lipanov successfully combines scientific and educational activity at the Informatics Department of Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics (KTURE) with his administrative work and company management responsibilities at Infostroy Ltd. Company, which has been developing various software for already many years.

He has published more than 30 scientific articles in the field of management, pattern recognition, source code analysis, and medical diagnostic systems. He takes now an active part in the field of scientific research in the areas of computer vision for mobile robots, software development and engineering, analysis and optimization of software source code.


Natalie Vegerina

Natalie VegerinaNatalie Vegerina

Project Manager, Infostroy

Natalie was born in Kharkov, Ukraine, and holds the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Informatics from Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics. Natalie works at Infostroy Ltd. Company at the position of Project Manager. As a software developer, she works on different software development and research projects in Infostroy Company. One of these projects is the ‘Expert System for Software Source Code Quality Analysis’. She develops new methods and approaches for the analysis and optimization of software source code.


Anna Vorobyeva

Anna VorobyevaAnna Vorobyeva

Virtualization Team Lead Developer, Parallels; Lecturer, MIPT

Anna has been involved in the product development since Parallels Workstation 2. She is the author of such complex features as a nested virtualization, memory management, a processor emulator, a space switcher and many others. Within almost ten years Anna had worked at the virtualization engine while its major requirements had been revised. Now Anna is mostly interested in architecture tasks.


Alexander Petrenko

Prof. Dr. Alexander K. PetrenkoProf. Dr. Alexander K. Petrenko

Alexander K. Petrenko, Professor, Doctor of Sciences, Head of the Software Engineering Department ISPRAS, Professor of System Programming chair of CMC MSU.

He is a member of the editorial board of Programming, Chairman of the Subcommittee of the Technical Committee for Standardization TK22 JTC 1 ISO / JEC «Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces», organizer of the International Seminar on model based testing (Model Based Testing – MBT-Workshop), of the annual conference of young Scientists on Software Engineering (Spring Young Researchers Colloquium on Software Engineering, SYRCoSE), of the Moscow City Seminar on Software Design and Analysis. Member of Program Committees of international conferences ISOLA, OpenCert, PSI, SEFM, TOOLS. Reviewer of the Journal of Systems and Software.

He graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics MIEM (1974). Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics (1983) thesis A tool for interactive software development Doctor of Physical and Mathematics (2003), thesis Formal specifications based testing in the process of software systems development.

From 1974 to 2002 worked at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS, one of the developers of DIMON, participated in software development for several soviet space programs, from 1994 worked at the Institute for System Programming RAS.

His research areas are: formal methods for specification and verification of software and microprocessors, software engineering, software analysis and quality assurance. He is the Chief Scientific Advisor of ISPRAS Linux Verification Center.

Taught a course Formal specification and verification of programs, is a special seminar on The correctness of programs in CSC MSU. Petrenko has co-authored several patents, has published over 80 scientific papers.


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